A successful life is based on five pillars: trust in God, self-confidence, work, knowledge and love. That was the marvelous lesson that the writer of this biography has learnt. Those pillars were represented in a symbolic fruit which was Mariam. She was the embodiment and the live symbol of those five values. She was born with a hearing disability which caused grief to relatives and friends. They drew a gloomy picture of her future. But, the writer placed his trust in what God willed for Mariam. Trying to understand what destiny had in store, he and his wife rushed with self-confidence and the assistance of specialists. That was great hardship, and cost a lot of effort, travelling, suffering and sleeplessness. All of these became some sort of pleasure from that enormous energy called love that blossomed from Mariam and for Mariam. How beautiful is love that conquers hardship and generates hope out of impossibilities.